In my scroll series, I portray the rugged contours of rocks, the sinuous flow of rivers, and the mysterious depths of caves, using them as a metaphorical canvas to explore the depths of care in our interactions with the natural world. Within the rugged terrain, I subtly invite contemplation of the delicate balance of ecosystems and the unseen connections binding every facet of existence. Through the interplay of light and shadow, I capture not only the physical features of these landscapes but also hint at invisible threads of interdependence. The works transition from their natural colors and hues to something more abrupt, prompting reflection on the fragility and resilience of the natural world, mirroring the abrupt changes and disruptions caused by human actions. In addition to the imagery itself, the format of the scrolls contributes to the thematic exploration of care and interconnectedness. As the scrolls unfurl and reveal their intricate scenes, there's a sense of movement and progression, mirroring the ever-changing and dynamic nature of life. Beneath the surface lies a profound message—a call to embrace a lighter touch in our relationship with the natural world.
2023 / 80.5”h x 120”w x 23.5”d Powder-coated steel frame, scrolling lightbox kits, electronic ballasts, Latex prints, LED bulbs, speaker wire, power cords, Stinger cable power supply, hi-glass black flooring
2022 / 9’h x 22.5’w x 4.5” d (dimensions variable)
Scrolling lightbox kits, electronic ballasts, Latex prints, 2’ LED bulbs, speaker wires, power cords, Stinger cable power supply, matte black wall

2024 / 52”H x 63”W x 23.5”D / Powder-coated steel frame, scrolling lightbox kit, electronic ballast, Latex print, 4’ LED bulbs, speaker wire, power cord, Stinger cable power supply / Unique installation + 1 exhibition copy